

更新! (2024年6月6日更新)


  • The sheep have completed grazing in 卡森城 and have moved on for the year. We thank you all for your support of the sheep and we look forward to next year!


  • Thank you to everyone who came out to our Sheep Talk on Monday April 29th to learn more about our wooly firefighters! If you missed the Sheep Talk, check out photos and more information on the sheep below. 



  • This is the 18th year that 卡森城 is managing the sheep grazing project for the fine-fuels (e.g. cheatgrass) reduction in west 卡森城 to reduce wildfire risk at the wildland urban interface. This project began in 2006 following the 2004 水fall 火 which burned almost all of the west side of 卡森城 and destroyed 17 homes.
  • There are two bands of sheep from Borda Land and Sheep Company: the north band consists of ~700 ewes and grazes behind Western Nevada College and the Timberline and Lakeview neighborhoods; the south band consists of ~700 ewes/lamb pairs and grazes hillsides from Voltaire Canyon to the south of Kings Canyon (Lincoln Bypass Trail and Borda Meadows). 为了保护城市的水源,我们避开了羽毛峡谷. 
  • 北部地区大约从4月中旬到5月中旬放牧.
  • 南区大约从4月中旬到5月底放牧. 
  • 在此期间, signage will be posted at trailheads to notify residents/dog-walkers to be mindful of the sheep and to keep their dog(s) on a leash.



1. 羊吃草要多长时间?

北部的羊群将在五月中旬吃完草, 而南部地区将在六月初结束放牧. 这些是大概的日期,取决于饲料水平.

 2. 为什么我的狗需要拴上皮带?

Many dogs tend to herd other animals and will chase the sheep, spooking the herd. There are also guard dogs and  herding dogs that are present 24/7 with the sheep that are trained to defend them and will confront other dogs if they decide to approach. 为了避免冲突, it is essential that dogs be kept on leash while sheep are grazing the nearby trails. Trails that are impacted will be marked with signage for the duration sheep are present. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our wooly firefighters safe! *注意,羊只会在一个特定的区域吃草一周.

3. 一只羊离开了羊群,现在在我家附近. 我该怎么办??

It is not uncommon for a young lamb to get separated from the rest of the herd. This can happen when a lamb (or ewe) takes a break to rest under a shrub, 然后失去了鹿群的踪迹. 当他们试图寻找鹿群的时候, they may veer close to the yards of homes adjacent to the grazed hillsides and continuously call out. The rancher has assured us that with time the lamb/ewe will typically find the herd within 24 hours. 虽然这些声音可能会让人感到不安, it is best to let the lamb/ewe find the herd on its own and wait it out. 不要鼓励小羊/母羊进入你的院子! 

如果一只小羊被困在你的院子里,或者你发现一只小羊受伤了, please call the numbers below in the following order until you reach someone:

  • 卡森城市公园主线:(775)887-2262
  • 内华达州动物保护协会:(775)887-2171
  • 卡森市非紧急调度:(775)887-2677



羊是食草动物,群居生活,称为羊群. They are ruminants which mean they have 4 parts to their stomachs, 使它们能够吃其他动物不能吃的植物和草. A ruminant's stomach differs from human stomachs because it is not acidic, and instead is full of good bacteria that allow them to turn plants into energy. Sheep help the environment by eating non-native weeds that threaten the health of native grasses and by eating underbrush, 什么可以作为野火的燃料. In addition to this, sheep have pointed hooves which break up soil as they walk. This then allows seeds to find a place to grow and for water to soak into the ground easier, 让植物生长,防止土壤侵蚀. Sheep also have a unique mouth/palette that allows for non-invasive and impactful grazing, as opposed to horses and cows that tend to pull out entire perennial grasses including the roots!

Utilizing sheep to control weeds and prevent wildfires is a natural and cost-effective way to protect the environment. We use sheep in 卡森城 to eat cheatgrass and other fine fuels on 开放空间 land to eliminate fire risk and allow native species to grow in its place.

野火对公共安全和空气质量构成严重威胁. In 卡森城, cheatgrass poses the biggest risk of large wildfires. 它非常易燃, contributing to the highly destructive nature of Nevada wildfires over the past ten years. When cheatgrass dies, it dries up and leaves a layer of fuel on the ground for fires. 因为大多数本地物种还没有结籽, this leaves them at a disadvantage and maintains cheatgrass' prominence in the region - with each fire, 骗子获得了统治地位. The seeds germinate in the late fall, which allows the plant to grow quickly in the early spring. 因此, native sagebrush lands converting to cheatgrass lands are one of Nevada's most important environmental issues. 另外, cheatgrass fails to provide resources for the large variety of Nevada wildlife that rely on sagebrush as a food source and cover. 在早春时节, 趁草还绿, 觅食动物可以利用它作为食物来源. However, during the summer the sharp awns (bristles) of the seeds deter grazing animals. 目前, the best way to control cheatgrass is to prevent its spread in new areas by reintroducing native species that can compete with it and to reduce the fire risks of cheatgrass fields through the utilization of grazing animals. 因此, cheatgrass poses a risk to the biodiversity of our rangeland and to human safety due to wildfires. 

